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Cats and dos are family, not just pets ♡
Märsta Norra
Pawshake djurvakt sedan december 2023
<1 år av erfarenhet
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Om Victoria
My name is Victoria.
I am a proffesional dancer and cat lover. I have always had pets growing up as a child; more cats than dogs. All of them were adopted, because from were I come from (Argentina) there are many dogs and cats living in the streets :(
My love for pets is what sparked me to enter the wonderful world of pet sitting.
My experience in pet sitting is from having my own pets and caring for family, friends and volunteering over the years. Especially cats and small dogs.
I understand the importance of trusting someone to care for your "kids", so my mission is to promote the well-being of your furry child.
It will not lack love, attention or a warm place in my bed or sofa :)
My 2 room apartment is very warm and cozzy and free of smoke. Does not have a garden, so it makes a safe space for your pet.
I have not pets and children, so I will dedicate all my attention on your cat or dog.
If your dog or cat needs to take medicine, no problem, I can administer it.
I can speek english and spanish.
My name is Victoria.
I am a proffesional dancer and cat lover. I have always had pets growing up as a child; more cats than dogs. All of them were adopted, because from were I come from (Argentina) there are many dogs and cats living in the streets :(
My love for pets is what sparked me to enter the wonderful world of pet sitting.
My experience in pet sitting is from having my own pets and caring for family, friends and volunteering over the years. Especially cats and small dogs.
I understand the importance of trusting someone to care for your "kids", so my mission is to promote the well-being of your furry child.
It will not lack love, attention or a warm place in my bed or sofa :)
My 2 room apartment is very warm and cozzy and free of smoke. Does not have a garden, so it makes a safe space for your pet.
I have not pets and children, so I will dedicate all my attention on your cat or dog.
If your dog or cat needs to take medicine, no problem, I can administer it.
I can speek english and spanish.
Victoria erbjudande...
IVictoria hem
Din hund övernattar hos en hundvaktfrån 250 kr /natt, 100 kr /Ytterligare husdjurHunddagis
Hunddagis med erfaren dagmattefrån 200 kr /dag, 100 kr /Ytterligare husdjurI ditt hem
Hitta en erfaren hundrastare som kan aktivera din hund när du själv inte har tidfrån 150 kr /promenad, 80 kr /Ytterligare husdjurEtt hembesök per dag
Boka en djurvakt som kan komma förbi ditt hem och mata och leka med ditt husdjur.från 150 kr /dagTvå hembesök per dag
Två drop-in besök åt ditt husdjurfrån 200 kr /dagVictoria kan acceptera
Valpar<1 år
HundåldrarAlla åldrar
Hundstorlekar0-18 kg
KatterAlla typer
Flexibel avbokningspolicy
Du får full återbetalning om du avbokar innan 12:00 en dag före bokningen.Tillgänglighet
februari 2025
må | ti | on | to | fr | lö | sö |
februari 2025
må | ti | on | to | fr | lö | sö |
mars 2025
må | ti | on | to | fr | lö | sö |
Om Victoria hem
Mellanstort utomhusområde
Mer om Victoria
Jag har erfarenhet...
<1 år av erfarenhet
Jag kan erbjuda konstant övervakning.
Jag kan ge orala mediciner
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Hundpensionatfrån 250 kr /natt, 100 kr /Ytterligare husdjur
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