Om Melike
Hello! My name is Melike. I live with my husband in Solna. I am a researcher in the department of Materials Science and Engineering at Uppsala University. (Yes, I commute everyday back and forth :) ) I have been in Sweden for 1.5 years.
I used to have 3 birds. Now I have adopted a kitten (6 months old) and am enjoying my time learning her personality 🐱
What I do really enjoy is spending time with animals. I love learning about their nature as not every pet is the same; so that I can adjust to their needs. I have always had good communication skills with animals. I always respect the animals personality; if they are playful or they want to rest.
So, I can provide your pet walks around your house: I can feed them, play with toys and try to teach them the basic things also.
I am available after 4pm weekdays, and at any time at the weekends. I will carefully follow the instructions of the owners for their beloved pets so they can be confident they are safe and sound in good hands. I can be in touch with owner during the day so they can always be updated about their pets!
Jag lär mig svenska ❤️ I can speak English and Turkish.
I would love to fika with you for further details. Cheers!
Melike erbjudande...
IMelike hem
I ditt hem
Ett hembesök per dag
Boka en djurvakt som kan komma förbi ditt hem och mata och leka med ditt husdjur.från 250 kr /dagTvå hembesök per dag
Två drop-in besök åt ditt husdjurfrån 550 kr /dagHusvakt
En husvakt bor i ditt hem, och ser efter ditt hem och ditt/dina husdjurfrån 400 kr /nattMelike kan acceptera
må | ti | on | to | fr | lö | sö |
må | ti | on | to | fr | lö | sö |
må | ti | on | to | fr | lö | sö |