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Your Dog-wants A New Bestfriend Buddy?


Pawshake djurvakt sedan juni 2021
20+ år av erfarenhet
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Om Anja

I am a Norwegian-German woman ( I speak both language and understand swedish very well. Just want to make sure everyone can understand me that is why I write in english even though I speak swedish) I have had dogs since my childhood. I have had a flat coated retriever and have had a prince-charles-harvenese-spisshund ( a small mixed dog). outside my childhood dog and my dog who I had many years next to my side.

I have the last months watched several dogs. mostly at my place. I love taking long walks outside the nature, with a dog is so much more fun than walking alone. Missing deeply to walk long tours with dogs. I am living together with my boyfriend and we have his son ever second day. (He is also experience with dogs)

 So your dog needs to be childfriendly. (If it's not you can still check with us because maybe you need a dogsitter/walked while his son is not here...)

We are quite flexible in the time and days- so just contact us and we will see how we can arrange the dogsitting/walks.
My boyfriend has also had several dogs during his childhood and also more than 1 at the same time. So he is including to me very knowledgeable when it comes to be together with the dogs.That is why we are open to take care of all kind of dogs. We have had several dogs already that we took care of via another app and private as well. Mostly we have had dogs staying over at our house while the owners are travelling away but we can also provide dogdaycare for a day if wished at our home. Is the dogwalk in Solna then we can even come to your house and take care of your dog at your place. We can do some dog training with the dogs but we love to play and train dogs inside and outside the house and teaching dogs different "kommando's" as a normal playful day.

But for us it is the most important that your dog is feeling comfortable and that is why we try to keep the routines that you have with your dog quite similar- specially at the beginning so your dog is feeling comfortable at our home.
We like especially in the summer to walk long tours with dogs like e.g. around Brunnsviken lake and via hagalund back to solna Centrum. So from short walks to long walks we can do but a 30 to 60 min walk is always in for the dogs. Pictures during the stay will be provided.

If you are interested in my service I would recommend we met up first to see if your dog likes me/us and if we also connect & then we take the dog to our home to see if you dog is feeling comfortable at our place. It is important for us that your dog feels comfortable and happy at our place. In that way we can assure you with calmness that your dog is doing good. 🙂

Looking forward to hear from you! Our schedule various from time and days but as my boyfriend is right now working from home and I have different days when I get off 2 days in the week- we are quite flexible in taking care of your dogs. If you like more pictures from our home please request them private. Then we will discuss all the Details and more how we can make your dogs visit comfortable. 8

Anja erbjudande...

IAnja hem


Din hund övernattar hos en hundvaktfrån 300 kr /natt, 300 kr /Ytterligare husdjur


Hunddagis med erfaren dagmattefrån 300 kr /dag, 280 kr /Ytterligare husdjur

I ditt hem


Hitta en erfaren hundrastare som kan aktivera din hund när du själv inte har tidfrån 250 kr /promenad, 150 kr /Ytterligare husdjur

Anja kan acceptera

HundåldrarInga valpar <1 år
HundstorlekarAlla storlekar


Måttlig avbokningspolicy
Du får full återbetalning om du avbokar innan kl. 12:00, 7 dagar före bokningen.



Om Anja hem


Inget utomhusområde

Mer om Anja

Jag pratar ...


Jag har erfarenhet...

20+ år av erfarenhet
... med beteendeproblem
... med räddade husdjur
Jag är bekant med hundträningstekniker.

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Hundpensionatfrån 300 kr /natt, 300 kr /Ytterligare husdjur
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