
Love and care to your cats and dogs while you're away

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Pasning i dagtimerne hjemme hos sitteren
80 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
300 DKK
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Anna er i øjeblikket ikke ledig til at acceptere nye bookinger.

Om Anna

Hi! I´m Anna, a 35 years old girl from Poland living and working in Denmark. I offer my cat sitting and dog walking services in Copenhagen. 

I live in an apartment in Vesterbro. Me and my flatmates are happy to host the animals with us. We live on the 4th floor tough and have no elevator, so it would be best if the doggies are ok with being carried up and down the stairs and not too heavy. If they are used to the stairs themselves then of course they can be bigger and walk on their own.

I come from a pet loving family. My parents have been adopting stray cats and a dog since I was a child so I grew up with them and I learned how to be around them and communicate.

When I moved out from my family home I was helping two animal care NGOs by being a foster home for the animals that needed care the most, that were sick and could not get better in the animal shelter. I was taking care of them and finding them new families. I successfully helped 4 stray cats to heal and find new homes. These experiences have been of a special meaning to me.

For I year I lived on a Danish countryside in a collective where one of us was shring life with a bokser dog, Norman. I often took care of him when working from home. I've know him since he was a puppy. I thought him basic commands so I can offer a beginners dog trainings to your little ones.

I had a break in offering petsitting services as I got a full time job. At the moment I am arranging my life differently, with a bit of freeland office life, urban garden work and also developing the work with the animals :) Petsitting fits perfectly in my lifestyle for the time being and is a way to get interspecies connection, that I really appreciate :) 

We can meet and talk first to know each other and your furry friends better!

Annas serviceydelser

Hjemme hos dyresitteren.

Pasning i dagtimerne hjemme hos passer
80 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
300 DKK
Din hund overnatter hjemme hos en hundepasser
100 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
350 DKK

Hjemme hos dig.

Find en som kan lufte din hund når du ikke selv har tid
50 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
150 DKK
Et hjemmebesøg om dagen
Et hjemmebesøg om dagen
Book en sitter, der kommer forbi for at fodre og lege med dit kæledyr hjemme hos dig.
150 DKK
House Sitting
House Sitting
Huspasseren bor i dit hjem dag og nat, og passer både på kæledyr og hus.
450 DKK
To hjemmebesøg om dagen
To hjemmebesøg om dagen
Dit kæledyr får to daglige besøg i hjemmet
250 DKK

Anna tilbyder også


Annulleringsbetingelser: Fleksibel

Fuld refusion hvis annulleret før kl. 12 én dag før bookingstart, herefter 50%.

Der gives ingen refusion, hvis aflysningen gennemføres eller efter bookingens startdato.

Bemærk: Alle klokkeslæt er baseret på dyrepasserens tidszone.


Profilens autenticitet
Behandling af kæledyr
Laura, 2018-03-13

Our vocation has been stressless, while she gave our cats the best care possible. I am sure they cannot wait to see her again :)

Jordan, 2018-01-31

Anna did an amazing job taking care of my big and crazy dog for an extended weekend. She provides many updates and pictures, and my dog was very happy to be taken care of by her. She would take great care of any pet!

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Om Annas hjem

Accepterede kæledyr

< 1 år
Accepterede hundestørrelser
0-80 kg
Accepterede hundealdre
0-20 år
Accepterede hundekøn
Hunkøn & Hankøn
alle slags
alle slags
Lille dyr
gnavere, kaniner, ...

Annas hjem

En lejlighed
Stort udeområde
Har ingen børn
Fuldt indhegnet baggård
Transport i nødstilfælde


Dyrepark uden snor i nærheden
Urbant & Bypark


Specifikke kompetencer

Jeg taler Engelsk & Italiensk & Andet
+10 års erfaring
Bekendt med hundetræningsteknikker
Due to my experience working with the cats with traumatic experiences I got the knowledge of how to interact with them and communicate in order to make them feel safe and not owerwhelemed. I have the patience and I do not force the interaction when I see and feel that the furry friend needs time and space. I co-raised a bokser dog of my flatmate and I participated in his early age dog training. I am not an expert but I am familiar with teaching dogs simple commands.

Har erfaring med

Dyrevelfærd som frivillig
At redde kæledyr




Love and care to your cats and dogs while you're away

Pasning i dagtimerne hjemme hos sitteren
80 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
300 DKK
Alle tjenester og priser

Ikke tilgængelig

Anna er i øjeblikket ikke ledig til at acceptere nye bookinger.

Annulleringsbetingelser: Fleksibel

Fuld refusion hvis annulleret før kl. 12 én dag før bookingstart, herefter 50%.

Der gives ingen refusion, hvis aflysningen gennemføres eller efter bookingens startdato.

Bemærk: Alle klokkeslæt er baseret på dyrepasserens tidszone.

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